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~ Psalm 12 ~ Spiritual Journey From the Beginning to the End of the Psalm ~

Updated on March 12, 2020
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image

Pastoral Counselor ordained Elder/Minister Ambassador at Alpha 7 Ministries M.A.Christian Clinical Counseling Certified in Creation Therapy

God Is Omnisicent! He knows when You truly live for Him!

Spiritual Journey from The Beginning To The End of The Psalm

~ Psalm 12 ~

The Psalms are an odorous fragrant collection of spiritual wisdom from on high! Although scribed by the hands of man the Lord’s divine inspiration is quite evident! No man or woman alone could construct and exude such marvelous audacious principled precepts. The gift of spiritual anointing graciously pours forth throughout the contents of these magnificent Psalms. The wisdom here is endless and ageless and can be applied by all. Especially to those of us who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!

For many centuries the Psalms have, been sung, recited and meditated upon. Scores of captivated and interested, individuals and audiences have found immense comfort within them! This vibrant exquisite collection of classic poetry, prose and songs are insightful, diverse and cavernously profound. Many were accompanied by stringed instruments and organs!

Praise and worship have always been an integral part of the lifestyle of the Lord’s children. God wants us to acknowledge and worship Him daily.

King David was affluent, astute, wise, and no doubt chosen by the Lord. What power! Yet he too was still not exempt from persecution himself. David even knew what it was like to be pursued by a hostile king way back in approximately 1000 BC. As I discussed in Psalm 11 he was perversely maligned and pursued. There were many attempts made upon his life by his own father- in-law King Saul...

The Church has not been without its “spiritual warfare” To be called a Christian was not considered to be a favorable position. Jesus and His disciples encountered much opposition! In fact initially the term “Christian” was meant to be derogatory! It was meant to belittle those who followed Jesus Christ! The then organized religious establishment was threatened by Jesus and sought to undermine His mission and ministry. Persecution has always come hand in hand with being a “believer.” You can expect to be misunderstood. No doubt much turbulence has also come from within by fellow believers as well as those who differ on doctrinal practices… This is why we must always examine our position in Christ in the light of His immutable Word!

The Christian Church has always been entwined and laced with an enormous amount of persecution and schisms from its inception. Ancient history records some of the worse persecution that took place was when Diocletian was emperor in (A.D. 284-305). He felt that the Christians were conspiring against him. He sought to annihilate them therefore he ordered that many be massacred. Much to his own dismay his wife and daughter began to turn and convert to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This took place right before the appointment of Constantine who became his successor. Christianity under his new administration eventually became once again acceptable…

Here in this marvelous Psalm we can feel David’s heart. Betrayal is hard to endure especially when it comes from those you love. It is an awful stab in the back. The need to be accepted for some is greater than their loyalty. " If you do not stand for something you will fall for anything..." Righteousness has already been established by the LORD. His basic principles for life and living have not changed throughout the centuries. Don't adjust your moral compass to be accepted by anyone. It is important to not compromise God's principles! Many would have you to believe otherwise. This is why it is so important to know His Word for yourself! In it you will discover and learn the benefits of spiritual wisdom as well as the ongoing battle between GOOD and evil… It is important to know that through Jesus Christ we can have the VICTORY!

However one must see and be aware of the spiritual warfare about us! "THE WHEAT and the tares are growing together..." Many of the ways of the world have crept in and nested themselves in the midst of GOD'S CHURCH! Sometimes it can feel like a bit like a circus. PRAY and allow the Lord to reveal to You what is of Him. We can forever STAND upon HIS WORD and rest knowing that the LORD IS the SPIRIT of TRUTH! HIS WILL and HIS WAY must be our first priority!

David diligently sought the Lord for guidance. Many others are recorded in the Word of God who put their trust in the Lord and emerged victoriously as well. Do not be alarmed when the majority seeks to set His Word aside. Their is a wealth of spiritual wisdom in the Word to encourage staying on the straight and narrow. Pray for increased discernment. God is omniscient; He knows when you truly live for Him. "Patience in a Virtue" In His time He will bring to the Light whatever is happening in the background. Seek the Lord daily and allow His Word to be “A Lamp to your feet and a Light to your path…” Psalm 119. The LORD is able! Today we too can TRUST the Lord in any and every situation!

~ Psalm 12 ~

Book of Praise Lesson Highlights


The Pure Words of the LORD

Theme: The proud and lying words of people versus true and pure words of GOD. A call for protection against those who try to manipulate us!

Author: David & Asaph

The 5th of seven “penitential” Psalms

The Lord allows the righteous and the wicked to live together on this earth that He has created. He spoke it into existence through the Word! From the beginning of time evil has attempted to undermine God’s plan for life and living on earth… We often see in His Word illustrations of one encountering trials and going through the fire as a purifying process! It was from a burning bush that the Lord spoke to Moses. The bush was never consumed but the fire definitely got Moses’ attention! He called Moses to bring His people out of Egypt. Moses later led the children of Israel through their wilderness journey. It was not an easy task, because they did not always want to LISTEN or do as the Lord told them…

The point here is; in life we will go through some things. But the Lord is willing and able to lead us through them all. He will multiply and manifest the Fruit of His Spirit within us as we seek His Will. But we must be willing to take time to listen and daily meditate upon His Word. It is becoming increasingly clear that many are moving away from the Truth of God’s Word! We would not be having the plethora of unusual heinous things going on all around the world on a continuum if God's principles were embraced. The Word of God is being fulfilled in these latter days.

In the name of what many call love they will modify, overlook and adjust the Truth of His Word in order to allow many to feel comfortable in sin. Worship today is no longer sacred for many...If you read the Old Testament you will see this is nothing new. Take some time and read about what displeases the Lord during worship... In the New Testament the Corinthian Church has many examples when carnality and idolatry were present during worship. They lacked a spiritual balance. Corinth was a worldly city and its influences were evident even during worship. We should sincerely seek to praise God whenever and wherever we worship Him. Worship should be more about who GOD is rather than what one wants from Him. "They speak vanity everyone with their neighbor; with flattering lips and with a double heart they speak. The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things..." Psalm 12

Pray for Discernment! No wonder this generation is so confused. Morality for many is optional. Lord Help! There is much support readily available that actually enables rather than encouraging spiritual growth!

Sin is anything that separates us from God! This is true from the pulpit to the door, Sin should be readily abandoned; not embraced or sanctioned! Repentance should always be encouraged. Christ Jesus did not die for us to live bound by sin. He is our Savior & Lord! He is more than able to help us over come evil with GOOD! The Word of God tells us that He is our Creator and Maker; in fact GOD is LOVE!” Does He not know what is best for us all?

Here again in this Psalm we discover that David has been abandoned and there appears to be very few about him who wants to adhere to his advice? Here we can see that godly advice or wise counsel is not always accepted... It is important for us to keep in mind that with the Lord we are never alone! There are times that man will forsake you. But when "two or three are gathered together in His Name He is in the midst." Don't follow the crowd. & Don't fret. Follow Jesus! It is always best to stand upon the Lord’s Word? They may even turn against you.. So be it! However still, regardless of whom it is we must or should not compromise what we know to be true for the sake of being supported nor for the fear of being rejected!

Being a Christian is not a mere Sunday or midweek occasion. It is a Daily Lifestyle.

Altering God’s Word is spiritually dangerous! What are you saying? The lines between right and wrong become blurred depending upon who is talking! This is tantamount during this day and age. In this era depending on who you are talking to what is acceptable changes. You can say do, and act anyway because you are being human. "God is not the Author of Confusion." Period. Do we simply ignore what the Lord has to say? No! If you are a true believer notice it is not always easy living in a world that conforms to the desires of man. This is true inside or outside of His Church. Rather than invite in His Holy Spirit and allow the process of transformation. Emotions leads the way and conformity enters. Sin instead is often embraced. The Lord really can transform any life; but you must sincerely invite Him into your heart! It is never too late as long as there is breath in your body!

We all can stand to be corrected at times by His Word! We are not beyond reproach. Sin is never justified in the Word. It is the one thing that separates us from the Lord until one readily repents! Be willing to humble yourself before the Lord whenever necessary. This is why we all need Jesus Christ as our personal Savior & Lord!

We in fact should welcome being corrected in the Light of His Word! This should be the case rom the pulpit to the door. His Word is necessary Spiritual Food for our souls. It is so powerful! "THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.” This is so when you embrace it. His Holy Spirit is supposed to be our Counselor and our inner Guide that makes us conscious of right and wrong and leads us to ALL TRUTH!

There are times when we must stand alone when no one wants to hear the Truth of God’s Word! Know the difference between gossip and the GOSPEL! As my aged wise Pastor said before he went to be with the LORD; “It is in your Bible if you have not torn it out!”

This is what Jesus taught us: “Now I am going to Him who sent Me, yet none of you ask Me, “Where are You going?” Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. But I tell you the truth: It is good that I go away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. When HE comes He will convict the world of guilt in regards to sin and righteousness and judgment in regards to sin, because men do not believe Me in regards to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see Me no longer, and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world stands condemned…” John 16.

We cannot always avoid difficult circumstances and turbulent situations! Yes, there will be times when some might have selective memories and the truth gets lost in the process. Some weave and waffle or simply; don’t tell the truth in order to spare themselves… Not everyone can stand under pressure! God still wants us to be faithful to His Word! We can be confident when we go through the fire! We can definitely trust the Lord! God can always help us when nobody else can! “Help, Lord, for the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished among men. Everyone lies to his neighbor their flattering lips speak with deception.”

God cares for everyone! He is a just GOD! He knows when a fraud is perpetrated against us. When power is unjustly used to suppress us! He knows when we are lied on… He is sensitive to the needs of the less fortunate and those wronged by unjust accusations. When we are being oppressed God is concerned! The Lord will vindicate you or I! But we must stand on His Word and keep adorned in His spiritual armor! Our reputation is always safe with the Lord! It is His opinion that matters most! “Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will arise “says the Lord. I will protect them from those that malign them.”

The Lord’s Word is pure! It is not like man’s words! God desire is to bless us! “Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of HIS purpose clear to the heirs of what is promised, He confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is IMPOSSIBLE for GOD to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the HOPE offered to us may be greatly encouraged. We have this HOPE as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6. His Word is unblemished! We can trust the Word of God!

A furnace is extremely hot! This is how the dross is removed from silver to refine it! Here we are told that the crucible had intense heat seven times the normal degrees! Seven in the Bible represents completion and wholeness! It is the number of “perfection!” This is to again reassure us of the unadulterated infallible truths in the inspired Word of GOD! “And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay purified seven times.”

The Lord will guard us! We can be safe in the Lord! Although there were many wicked people about David he remained confident in the Lord! This is no different from today! We can trust that God will interpose when we truly need Him. Not because of who we are but because of who He is! The Lord keeps His promises! As Moses told Joshua when he was being called to go the way of the Lord! “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged!” Just think at this time there were no books, newspapers, televisions or computers! The children of Israel would gather together to hear the Word of God read to them…

In this 21st century we are without excuse! We have Bibles galore and in just a few seconds via the internet you can share the WORD OF GOD all around the world. Look at GOD! Man can do no more than the LORD allows! Ministry goes far beyond the walls.... It is so very important to Know God’s Word for yourself! We serve an ALMIGHTY OMNIPOTENT GOD! He is the Great "I AM"! There is nobody greater! We can stand on His promises! PRAISE GOD!!! We can find “Security & Significance in HIM alone! O Lord, You will KEEP us safe and protect us from such people forever!”

We are living in a time of great deception! We need an ongoing diet of spiritual food to keep us spiritually sharp and alert! We daily need the infilling presence of His Holy Spirit! We must let HIS WORD Light our path! We must sincerely pray that the Fruit of the Lord’s Spirit continually blossoms bountifully in our lives so we may know the difference between TRUTH and error! God does not want us manipulated! What is honorable to man is not always honorable in the eyes of the LORD! Pray for spiritual discernment! We really need to take time to listen and “Be STILL & KNOW!”

This Psalms concludes saying: “The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored by men.”


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